Heat Stress Beef RumeNext


ADM 提供营养解决方案和饲喂计划,以满足牛在生产各个阶段和各种环境中的需求。

A herd of beef cattle grazing on a dry grass field
DaleMooreTonyBallingerRumeNextVideo Image1440x597

Heat up performance by cooling down stress

Mitigate the symptoms associated with summer, while increasing performance payback thru driving improved feed conversion.

RumeNext, created from plant extracts, provide a natural solution for growing cattle. Cattleman’s Choice Feedyard in Oklahoma runs 10,000 head and started using RumeNext during a recent catastrophic heat event. 

Read this case study with Dale Moore, owner and manager, to hear his experience with the comfort of the cattle and summer feed consumption rates.

Chill down stress for better comfort

RumeNext provides rumen fermentation for next-level efficiency. Better fermentation means better production and rumen health.

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Research Proven

In research trials with growing cattle consuming RumeNext versus controls, better gains and feed efficiency resulted.

Performance Payback

Payback can be realized thru driving better fermentation in the rumen, and feed conversion.

Drives Intake

More consistent feed intake contributes to rumen health advantages. Higher water consumption fosters additional rumen protection.


ADM 提供种类丰富的产品,为您在肉牛生产的各个阶段提供全方位的帮助。我们的饲养和营养产品解决方案可以量身定制,以最大限度地提高您的牛群的健康和效率,同时最大限度降低您的成本。

 A close up of horn flies on a black cow
角蝇控制 - Dipteracide®

控制角蝇的破坏性影响并减少生产损失。与咬人的角蝇作斗争会减少增重和产奶量,从而降低利润。有效控制角蝇的最佳选择是双翅酸(ADM 甲虫酯),它有助于打破角蝇的生命周期并减少生产损失。

Black cattle in a field
炎热季节 - RumeNext®

RumeNext 拥有精选的植物提取物,可提供经验证的解决方案,能够改善瘤胃消化,取得良好的生产响应。该技术是一项全球研究计划的成果,这项计划研究植物提取物对肉牛和奶牛瘤胃功能的影响。RumeNext 得到了经过研究验证的结果证实,可将生产推向新的高度。

 A pile of feed mix

CitriStim® 作为 ADM 的专有饲料原料,这是一种经过验证、真正独特、对饮食有益的全细胞灭活酵母(季也蒙毕赤酵母)产品。CitriStim 可以支持并优化肠道功能、促进肠道完整性并提高身体防御反应,从而提高对抗各种健康挑战的能力,提升牧场的生产力。

A black cow and a calf standing in a grassy field
AMPT™ 矿物质

AMPT 矿物质是有针对性的矿物质补充剂,仅提供所需的矿物质和维生素,以实现有利于牛群表现的最佳数量和比例。

A black cow and a brown calf standing in a grassy field
MoorMans® 矿物质

MoorMan 的牧场矿物质系列是性能经过验证的行业领导者,为每头牛提供每天 2 盎司的耐候牧场矿物质,使牛群能够充分利用可用饲料的营养优势,并增强瘤胃微生物消化粗饲料的能力。

A close-up of a black cow and a calf
MasterGain® 矿物质

影响您利润的价值。MasterGain 肉牛牧场矿物质产品是矿物质维生素补充剂,专为补充放牧牛(包括育成牛、替代种牛和种畜)的草料条件而配制。这些产品提供支持牛群健康和生产所需的矿物质和维生素。

A close-up of a black cow

AminoGain® 是当今最先进的饲喂技术,可平衡氨基酸组成和其他关键营养素,以提高生长、健康、生育和繁殖等性能。

A white calf standing in a grassy field

High-quality creep feeds that provide protein, energy, minerals, and vitamins in a highly palatable, pelleted form for feeding to calves as a supplement to cow’s milk and grazing of forages. Rough-N-Ready provides the nutrients needed by calves to achieve optimal and efficient growth.

A close-up of a brown and white cow

Stressfighter 产品是用于断奶和育肥犊牛的高质量预处理/育肥产品。

A row of black cattle at a feeding station
AMPT™ 矿物质

AMPT 矿物质是有针对性的矿物质补充剂,仅提供所需的矿物质和维生素,以实现有利于牛群表现的最佳数量和比例。

A herd of black cattle behind a fence


A close-up of a black cow

AminoGain® 是当今最先进的饲喂技术,可平衡氨基酸组成和其他关键营养素,以提高生长、健康、生育和繁殖等性能。

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Two men with cowboy hats standing next to a herd of beef cattle on a ranch

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