Farmer Services & Farming Solutions
Our dedicated representatives work hard to understand your needs and help you make good decisions about marketing grain, buying fertilizer, understanding crop insurance and more.

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We offer financial and technical support to producers who newly adopt or continue current regenerative ag practices. Our programs are not one size fits all, but they are easy to utilize without onerous requirements or long-term contracts.

The world’s food supply starts on the farm. And the farmers who make the land their livelihoods face each day with optimism and hope, no matter what stands in their way. Faces of Food is a video series from ADM that tells the stories of America’s farmers in their own words.

Shift is an ADM-developed online course designed to help you understand, navigate, and capitalize on today’s market dynamics to make better farm business management decisions. Once registered, you’ll gain access to a six-part, self-guided, interactive training course.

ADM offers digital tools that allow producers to see and manage their ADM business activity. Both the ADM FarmView and FBN® apps and websites provide futures, cash bids, scale tickets, grain contracts, settlements and more. Producers can choose either or both for their different uses and preferences.

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