Compliance @Model.HeadlineLevel>
Throughout our history, it has been the objective of Archer Daniels Midland Company to maintain operating standards that incorporate the highest ideals of integrity and ethical business conduct. To this end, ADM has implemented a Code of Conduct that helps ensure that the company achieves the right results, the right way. ADM is committed to conducting business in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including those that prohibit bribery and corruption. Additional information can be found in ADM’s Commitment to Anti-Corruption Compliance.
Vice President, Global Chief Compliance Officer & Chief Audit Executive
P. O. Box 1470 · Decatur, IL 62525
Phone: (217) 424-4-WAY · [217-424-4929]
Phone: (888) 4-ADM-WAY · [888-423-6929]
The ADM Way Helpline
No matter where you are located, you can contact Compliance online and anonymously type in your question or concern. You will be able to select your preferred language, submit a report or follow up on an existing report.
Telephone Numbers
The ADMWay Helpline was set up to allow a safe and confidential way to get information and report violations. Now, you can dial directly to an operator who speaks your language, making it easier than ever to confidentially do the right thing.
United States |
1.888.423.6929 |
Argentina |
0800.666.2529 |
Australia |
1.800.35.7434 |
Austria |
Barbados |
800.728.7907 |
Belarus |
Belgium |
0.800.100.10, then 888.288.1446 |
Belize |
001-501, then 800.728.7907 |
Brazil |
0800.891.4301 |
Bulgaria |
00.800.0010, then 888.288.1446 |
Canada |
1.888.423.6929 |
Chile |
800.360.311, then 800.443.6192 |
China |
10.800.711.0716 |
Columbia |
01.800.911.0010, then 888.443.6192 |
Czech Republic |
800.143.472 |
Dominican Republic |
1.800.225.5288, then 800.728.7907 |
Ecuador |
1.800.225.528, then 800.728.7907 |
Egypt |
Cairo: 2510.0200 |
France |
0800.90.0692 |
Germany |
0800.180.7755 |
Greece |
Grenada |
1.800.225.5288, then 800.728.7907 |
Guatemala |
Hong Kong |
800.96.1111, then 800.443.1978 |
Hungary |
06.800.011.11, then 844.214.1750 |
India |
000.800.100.1477 |
Indonesia |
001.801.10, then 800.443.1978 |
Indonesia (Jakarta) |
001.801.10, then 800.443.1978 |
Ireland |
1.800.558.767 |
Italy |
Jamaica |
1.800.872.2881, then 800.728.7907 |
Japan |
010.1-704-540-2821 |
Kenya |
Korea |
Malaysia |
Mexico |
001.877.563.6597 |
Morocco |
Netherlands |
0800.023.2274 |
New Zealand |
800.35.7434 |
Panama |
800.2288, then 800.443.6192 |
Paraguay |
008.11.800, then 800.443.6192 |
Peru |
Americatel: 0.800.70.088 |
Philippines |
Poland |
0.0.800.111.1678 |
Portugal |
800.800.128 then 844.214.1750 |
Puerto Rico |
1.888.423.6929 |
Romania |
08.08.4288 |
Russia |
8.10.800.110.1011 then 800.921.7903 |
Singapore |
800.110.1569 |
Slovak Republic |
0.800.000.101, then 800.921.7903 |
South Africa |
0.800.99.0123 then 888.310.7724 |
South Korea |
Spain |
900.99.0011, then 888.310.7724 |
Switzerland |
0800.894669 |
Taiwan |
Thailand |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Contact Local Operator and request call to USA 704.540.2821 |
Turkey |
0811.288.0001, then 844.214.1750 |
8000.021, then 844.214.1750 |
Ukraine |
001.888.613.5345 |
United Kingdom |
0808.234.1568 |
Uruguay |
000.410, then 800.443.6192 |
Vietnam |
1.228.0288 (Viettel) |