Amylose Amylopectin in Pet Foods & Treats

How Well Do You Know Your Starch?

Expand your knowledge on the role of starch in pet food through this free technical bulletin exploring amylose and amylopectin, the two main components of all starches. Learn the facts on formulating with starch to achieve your desired results.

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Download Our Amylose & Amylopectin Bulletin

In the complex world of pet food formulation, each ingredient must be considered carefully, and among these ingredients is an essential component to all pet food—starch.

Functioning as a source of energy for the pet and a structural element for the food itself, starches are composed of both amylose and amylopectin polymers in varying ratios. In this technical bulletin, ADM experts evaluate the differences between these two polymers and their impact on pet food and treats.

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