Native and Functional Native Starch

Native & Functional Native Starch

Our starches, originating from corn, wheat, and tapioca, offer a cost-effective solution for your products with high technical performance and simple label appeal.

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grandmother and child at dinner table

Ideal Taste. Ideal Texture.

Our versatile portfolio of food-grade native and functional native starches is a powerful solution for the needs of a range of products. And combined with our technical expertise, we’ve mastered the science of creating on-trend offerings that delight. 

Our Texperien® True native starches help improve texture and tenderness in a broad range of foods and keep a clean label appeal without interfering with the final flavor.   

With a global supply advantage and logistics that ensure quality, sustainable sourcing, and reliable delivery, we’ll help you develop superior products while optimizing your footprint. Get in touch with us today to start creating your own consumer-winning products.

farmer in field
Tried and True Native Starch

Functional and cost-effective with non-GMO options, corn starch is optimal for texture and stability, making it a staple across a range of household favorites.

hand touching wheat
Non-GMO Wheat Starch

A clean label, cost-effective solution for products that need a delicate texture without affecting flavor or color. Also available in cook-up and pre-gel options.

tapioca roots
Trending Tapioca Solutions

With its neutral taste, clear color, and gel-like texture, it's the fastest-growing starch in new products. Available in native, modified, and resistant varieties.

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