Media Relations

ADM's Media Relations team is available to assist working journalists. Individuals other than journalists can get in touch with ADM via the Contact Us section of our website.

A close-up of fresh, growing plants


Need more information? Contact one of our media relations team members in your region for assistance:

Andre Degasperi
Communications Director, LatAm (PT)
Jackie Anderson
Director, External Communications, North America, Australia and Asia
Ana Cruz
Communications Director, EMEA
Marianna Santos
LatAm (PT)
Andre Degasperi
Communications Director, LatAm (ES)
Christopher Saynor

ADM at a Glance

Learn more about ADM, our products, and initiatives:

Bonjour! BRB
About ADM
We are a global leader in nutrition and the world’s premier agricultural supply chain company.
EMEA Fact Sheet
Learn more about our business in EMEA.
Bonjour! BRB

Standard Images for Download and Use

ADM Image Library
Need a photo to support your story? Download our library of approved images.
Request Access to ADM Images/Videos
Contact us for our image/video library.
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women using a laptop

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Voici quelques conseils pratiques


Need some more information? Complete this contact form and you will be contacted in the next 5 business days.

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