Sugar-free, low-calorie, sweetener solutions.

Sweetness & Bulk, Without the Sugar @Model.HeadlineLevel>
ADM polyols provide a versatile answer to reducing sugar. Polyols provide the sweetness of traditional table sugar with typically half or less than half the caloric value, providing a great option for customers looking to reduce calories without sacrificing flavor.
Varied Uses
Polyols are a group of low-digestible carbohydrates derived from the hydrogenation of their sugar or syrup source. The quality of our polyols ensures uncompromising consumer-pleasing attributes in a vast range of applications, including baked goods, dairy, confectionery, chewing gum, frozen desserts, chocolate fillings and cordial and liqueur beverages.
The Right Products
ADM offers a range of polyols that are all designed to meet your application's desired outcomes. We offer:
Sorbitol—Lower-calorie sweetener and humectant
Maltitol—Pleasant, sweet, lower-calorie syrup
Mannitol—Cooling, sweet, lower-calorie solution
Customized specialty blends
Discover more by downloading our latest Poylols sell sheet.
For general inquiries, questions or more information, please reach out to us. We are here to help.

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This content is based on United States laws and regulations applicable on the day of publication of this content. We point out that customers are required to ensure that any labeling and claims made by customers for their finished products must be based on the regulatory requirements and scientific standards of the country in which the final products are offered for sale. Not all products are available in all regions.