Soy Protein Concentrates

ADM’s soy protein concentrates help you to formulate the on-trend, high protein products that consumers are craving.

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Functional Soy for Increased Optionality

ADM was first to uncover the expanded potential for soy protein concentrates, advancing the category by developing a line of functional SPCs for cost optimization.

ADM's soy protein concentrates enable you to trade down in product cost without having to trade down in product performance, with the added benefit of cost optimization of your finished products. Both our traditional and functional soy protein concentrates are available as powder or textured pieces to meet all your formulation needs.

Our N. America, Europe and Latin America regions can provide a secure supply of regionally sourced and produced soy protein concentrates to satisfy today’s consumers.

Create Winning Solutions

ADM offers a broad portfolio of soy protein concentrates to help you deliver standout, affordable and on-trend food and beverage solutions that meet the needs of today’s health-conscious consumers.

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  • More Water Retention
  • Improve Texture
  • Emulsifies
  • Enhance Viscosity 
  • Boost Performance
  • Reduce Costs


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  • Meat Alternatives
  • Meat Extensions
  • Dairy & Dairy Alts.
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Beverages
  • Bars & Snacks
  • Baked Goods
  • Ice Cream Novelties
  • Nutritional Goods
  • Pet Food & Treats
  • Animal Feed
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Partner with ADM

Working with ADM you get access to our clean-tasting, high-functioning soy protein concentrates and our 75+ years of experience. Our experts have in-depth knowledge to assist you with formulation challenges and product innovation.

More Soy Protein

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Soy Protein Isolates

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Textured Soy Proteins

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Soy Flours & Grits

Disclaimer below

This content is based on United States laws and regulations applicable on the day of publication of this content. We point out that customers are required to ensure that any labeling and claims made by customers for their finished products must be based on the regulatory requirements and scientific standards of the country in which the final products are offered for sale. Not all products are available in all regions.