Sweet Snack Solutions

Our comprehensive snacking ingredient portfolio, technical ingenuity and application capabilities help you impress today’s consumers.

Healthy oatmeal energy snack bite balls with chia seeds, cranberries, coconut, flax seeds and honey

Sweet Biscuits, Cookies & Snacks

We help you get to market faster with expertise that gives you an edge when it comes to taste and texture challenges, sugar reduction, functional requirements and more.

Indulgent and Healthy Snack Bars

Simple, nutritious ingredients and clean labels give on-the-go snack bars a boost. Consumers want protein and better-for-you options, but only if they taste great. With our formulation know-how on making your products taste great, including a pilot-scale bar line, we help you aim for a winning edge in the market.

Sweet Biscuits & Cookies

Desired benefits like high protein and smart sugar reduction can jumpstart growth. Develop new concepts and products with novel and better-for-you offerings high in protein, with ADM’s plant-based protein competence. Reduce the sugar content, but keep the same great taste—with a broad and deep sugar reduction ingredient toolbox and formulation expertise.



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This content is based on United States laws and regulations applicable on the day of publication of this content. We point out that customers are required to ensure that any labeling and claims made by customers for their finished products must be based on the regulatory requirements and scientific standards of the country in which the final products are offered for sale. Not all products are available in all regions.