Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

ADM's culture promotes diversity, equity and inclusion in all roles and at all levels of the organization.

Diverse workmates participating in a meeting

A Diverse Team is an Empowered Team

Including You logo

Our definition of diversity is broad, ecompassing not only diversity in race, gender, sexual identity, ethnicity, economic and educational backgrounds, but also in experiences, perspectives and interests. We also ensure our workforce is given equal opportunities to develop their careers within the company and has an opportunity to contribute their unique way of thinking to our business.

Having an inclusive culture allows us to cultivate innovation. We believe that true innovation arises from having many different perspectives and backgrounds at the highest levels of an organization, and we have a comprehensive plan in place to promote inclusion and equity at ADM.

We have instituted procedures across the employee life cycle to ensure equal opportunities for all:

  • We are committed to diverse talent slates and interview panels during the hiring process
  • We ensure our candidate review and selection efforts address and reduce unconscious bias
  • We provide specialized mentorship programs to support career acceleration
  • We have a dedicated talent review program to ensure we fully support advancement of colleagues from underrepresented backgrounds


Our Global Strategy

To advance our global strategy, each region has a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion council with leaders who manage four strategic pillars:

  • Leadership engagement, training and communication
  • Recruiting
  • Advancement and retention
  • Networks and sponsorship

Each strategic pillar has an action plan and the regional councils are responsible for driving and implementing those plans.

Female foreman safety vest using clipboard checklist and Worker man in hardhat holding laptop for control loading containers box from cargo-AdobeStock_329816941.jpg

Our Commitments

Throughout our history, we've fostered an environment of respect and integrity at ADM. However, we realize this must continue beyond the walls of our facilities.

CEO Act!on

As a CEO Action for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion™ signatory, we are committed to building a productive, diverse and inclusive workplace. By standing together with and learning from businesses anchored in almost every community across America, we have the opportunity— and responsibility—to play a meaningful role in such an important societal issue. Read more about CEO Act!on.

Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index

Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index is a national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits that relate to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees. At ADM, we have made significant progress in this area over the last few years, achieving a score of 100 for 2022. Read more about our human rights corporate equality rating.

Jobs for America's Graduates

ADM is a proud longtime supporter of the Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program. Because of the great potential we see in students that complete the JAG program, ADM guarantees an interview to every JAG student who applies to our company. Read more about JAG.

Paradigm for Parity

The Paradigm for Parity movement is a coalition of business leaders dedicated to addressing the corporate leadership gender gap. Our commitment through Paradigm for Parity focuses on improving gender balance in global leadership by 2030. Read more about Paradigm for Parity.

Together We Grow

We're a proud, founding member of Together We Grow, a group of food and agriculture companies, NGOs, members of academia and the government, focused on building a skilled, diverse and inclusive workforce. Together, we're going to make American agriculture a leader for generations to come. Read more about Together We Grow.

Reporting our Progress

To help hold ourselves accountable to our DE&I commitments and monitor our progress as we work to create a more equitable, inclusive environment for our colleagues, we have chosen to publicly share ADM’s annual U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO-1) report data. Read more about our EEO-1 Disclosure.
