ADM and Carbon Capture and Storage

ADM and Carbon Capture and Storage

CCS is an important technology to help us meet the growing demand for low-carbon energy and ingredient solutions.

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What is Carbon Capture and Storage

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) uses the Earth's natural trapping system to store CO2, a natural element already found underground. CO2 is captured by industrial activity, purified, and then compressed into liquid-like form for storage. CO2 is then transported to injection wells where it is safely injected into sealed off geological formations and can be stored securely.

ADM's CCS operations near Decatur involve capturing CO2 from one of ADM's nearby corn-processing plants, and then injecting it more than 5,550 feet underground for permanent sequestration. Over the past decade, ADM, working closely with government, academic and industrial partners, has safely sequestered approximately 4.5 million metric tons of CO2, or the equivalent of taking more than one million cars off the road for an entire year.

ADM and Carbon Capture & Sequestration

ADM is a national and world leader in the implementation of CCS technology, and has been recognized for its exemplary work being done in the fields of energy and environmental management. ADM was the first American company to be granted a Class VI CCS well permit by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and has been successfully operating CCS wells in Decatur for more than a decade.

ADM has also worked with the Department of Energy and the Illinois Geological Survey at the University of Illinois for many years to validate the safety, security and effectiveness of CCS technology.

Deploying CCS technology in ADM’s processing operations is one of the many ways ADM is decarbonizing its footprint. CCS is an important technology to help us meet the growing demand for low-carbon energy and ingredient solutions, ranging from sustainable aviation fuel to regenerative agriculture. 

What Are They Saying About CCS?

Carbon capture and storage is safe and key to a stronger future for midwest agriculture.

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A Growing Consensus Agrees

A growing consensus of voices representing agriculture, biofuels, labor, the environmental community, and policymakers on both sides of the aisle is speaking up about the importance of CCS.


•    Nature Climate Change CCS feasibility analysis
•    U.S. DOE Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations CCS fund
•    Shell, Equinor and TotalEnergies CCS project in Norway

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Understanding the Geology

An important factor for successful storage of COis the geology of the injection site location. CCS wells inject purified and compressed CO2 more than 1.25 miles underground. Locations are chosen because of their geological makeup which have both porous rock for storage at the optimal depth and several layers of impermeable rocks above the storage area to serve as seals.

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Why Decatur? The Illinois Basin

The Illinois Basin features the Mt. Simon Sandstone Saline Reservoir located about 1.5 miles underground, as well as several layers of shale rock, making it ideal for CCS storage.

More About Carbon Capture and Sequestration
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Is Carbon Capture and Storage Safe?

Over the course of the last decade, ADM has safely and permanently stored more than 3.5 million metric tons of COat our first-of-its kind commercial CCS site in Decatur, Illinois. ADM continues to work closely with state and federal agencies including the Illinois State Geological Survey at the University of Illinois, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. EPA to ensure the safety of the CCS project in Decatur.


Because the CO2 is injected 1.5 miles underground, far below drinking water supplies, it does not impact activities on the surface. ADM has been injecting liquified CObeneath our North American Headquarters and our extensive plant operations in Decatur for many years.


Comprehensive monitoring tools are in place to monitor any potential impacts to groundwater, surface area and the underground geology, including seismic activity.


Learn more here: CCS Frequently Asked Questions

Monitoring Well Developments

ADM has been working closely with the U.S. EPA regarding two deep monitoring wells at our CCS site in Decatur, specifically developments related to subsurface fluid movements at a depth of approximately 5,000 feet. At no time during these developments was there impact to surface or groundwater sources nor any threats to public health. More information about these developments can be found below.


•    Monitoring Well Developments – Oct. 4, 2024
•    Statement on Monitoring Well 09-12-24
•    ADM Letter to U.S. EPA responding to NOV 08-22-24
•    Statement on Monitoring Well 10-01-24
•    ADM Letter to U.S. EPA 09-27-24
•    ADM CCS Well Geology

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Looking to the Future

CCS is an important and proven technology as ADM looks to implement a variety of different strategies to decarbonize our footprint. CCS can help us meet the growing demand for low-carbon energy and ingredient solutions, add value to ADM products and potentially reach new markets in the future. We are looking to further leverage our existing CCS capabilities in several different ways, including:


  • Expanding ADM’s current CCS well capacity in Decatur
  • Connecting our corn processing facilities in Cedar Rapids and Clinton, Iowa, to our existing CCS wells in Decatur through a pipeline to be built with a respected partner and with farmer engagement
  • Connecting our corn processing facility in Columbus, Nebraska to a storage site in Wyoming through a project led by Tallgrass Energy Solutions to convert an existing natural gas pipeline to transport
  • Connecting our CCS capabilities to a proposed low-carbon power, heat and steam facility adjacent to our Decatur processing complex
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